Currently Reading: Hugo Packet Novellas

It’s time for the not-so-big one but bigger than the two other ones!

In other news: things aren’t looking good for me versus Best Series, in which I’ve read exactly ZERO extra since the Hugo finalists were announced. Best Series – the category that somehow manages to combine elements of both the protestant work ethic and Catholic guilt in one package.


7 responses to “Currently Reading: Hugo Packet Novellas”

  1. Luckily this is the one category where I’d read everything (except the last 2 Temeraire). I also scored 4/6 on my nominations here. It would have been 6/6 except I left off “The Expanse” and Vorkosigan in favor of 2 personal votes b/c I knew everyone else would vote for them and they were in no danger of missing the ballot b/c of me.

    I wanna see where “Young Wizards” is in the long list.


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