Say, Camestros what’s your new fave Voxopedia page? [Update]

Why, I’m glad you asked that question, disembodied voice that writes the blogpost titles. My new favourite Voxopediapage is:


  1. If I was trying to invent a parody title for a Voxopedia page, it wouldn’t be half as funny/apt as that one.
  2. It really delivers in terms of just being a bunch of half-arsed crap that somebody thinks might be the case.
  3. When you click on the contextual link it contradicts what the article says (e.g. click on ‘stirrup’)
  4. It reads like a short transcript of somebody arguing loudly in a pub.
  5. ‘Asian men’s inventions’ sounds like some kind of euphemism.

[Update] Sadly, I didn’t webarchive it and then apparently it went off in all sorts of weird directions, redirects and then was removed. The page and the changes don’t appear in Recent Changes but does appear in the Deletion Log

RIP List of Asian Men’s Inventions! For a brief moment, you forced us evil leftists to mock Voxopedia rather than ignore it.

[Update 2] Here it is and archive

17 responses to “Say, Camestros what’s your new fave Voxopedia page? [Update]”

  1. That is delightfully terrible. One assumes the page for Asian women’s inventions was disputed into non-existence. Also: I dispute their definition of Asia (or are they disputing the existence/location of the Indian subcontinent?) J’accuse! Je dispute. I DISPUTE !!! 🙂


  2. Umm, that now redirects to “genital piercings”.

    I have to applaud whoever at Voxipedia pulled that stunt, well played.


    • It’s the Internet, and a site with a higher than normal distribution of trolling man-babies. I give it 90 days before a full third of the site is porn or porn adjacent.

      Liked by 2 people

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