Well This Should Be Interesting

Chris Chupik’s response (still in the comments at According to Hoyt) to my set of questions was:

“What’s strange is that he’s accusing of you stuff, but for some reason he’s talking to me instead of the target of his accusations. “Do you not think it even more strange that Sarah Hoyt had forgotten a follow up post where she attempted to justify the discussion of mass-murder of an ethnic group, also in May?” Hey, Contentious Flummadiddle, why don’t you talk to Sarah instead of trying to call me out on your blog?”

Well, I was asking Chris because he was the one engaging with the post — I assumed that was obvious. Sarah Hoyt has made it abundantly clear in the past that she isn’t interested in discussion. Still, while I wouldn’t comment at a blog that asked me not to, this is a clear invitation to comment at According to Hoyt. So I did but just a little one 🙂


[ETA: the first comment went in and then the next two presumably spam-filtered. So it goes 🙂 So there’s you answer Chris.]

41 responses to “Well This Should Be Interesting”

  1. LOL. Hoyt: “I never banned you”

    Hoyt: (two comments later): “I banned him.”

    You can’t make this shit up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope you feel proud, taunting a woman like that when she’s ill. You’ve really surpassed yourself this time.

    Try taunting -me-, floppy. See how somebody healthy deals with your shite.


    • out of curiosity phantom, do you think that the Roma deserve to be ethnically cleansed from Europe, or that they deserved it based on their behaviour?
      If so, then how does that make you any different from the Nazis, Who thought the same things about Jews?

      Liked by 2 people

    • I imagine it’ll go the way it always goes when your comments show up here, Phantom. You’ll resort to childish insults and flounce out to make shit up about Cam elseweb. I see you’ve already fulfilled the “childish insult” section but I’m really not bothered enough to go see if you’re saying anything deeply stupid anywhere else.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Christopher Chupik is taunting Sarah Hoyt by constantly relaying back what someone else is saying about her. Maybe you should ask him that question.

      Liked by 3 people

    • thephantom182: Hope you feel proud, taunting a woman like that when she’s ill.

      If Hoyt is genuinely ill, then she should be taking care of herself instead of posting wildly irrational, unhinged rants on the internet.

      If she is ill, where are the people who care about her? Why aren’t they looking after her and helping her to take care of herself, instead of letting her engage in deeply emotionally-unhealthy activities? Does she actually have any friends, or just hangers-on who sadistically enjoy goading her on and watching her implode on the internet?

      With “friends” like that, she doesn’t need enemies. 🙄

      Liked by 2 people

    • “Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time-a”

      Seriously Phantom, do the world a favour and learn how to exercise your right to be silent.


    • Absolutely but what I don’t get is why Hoyt et al tolerates it. He is literally trolling Hoyt rather than me (he knows by now that I just find his antics both funny & blog fodder) apparently with the intent of upsetting her.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Which is actually quite mean, especially since Sarah Hoyt seems to have plenty of issues of her own, if her last few posts are anything to go by.

        Liked by 3 people

      • I think the problem is that they never check what he’s telling them, presumably out of confirmation bias.


      • My guess is that Hoyt (like Freer and the other pups) like hearing about how mean someone has been to them. It feeds their persecution complex. It’s hard to be oppressed if everyone’s forgotten about you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • And such an obliging oppressor, too, who shows up only when invited, and leaves as soon as she tells him to after she’s insulted him!


      • Ooo, ooo. Are we gonna see some lobster-on-lobster fighting, now? Who’s got the bigger claw? I can’t wait to find out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Cue Star Trek fight music!

          Both Phantom and Chris C phrase things in terms of masculine challenges. There was also some comment about how I wouldn’t dare write about Larry Correia (presumably because he is a big guy). It’s really weird but also telling about how they approach social interactions in reality


          • Has Larry actually said anything silly recently? I mean, probably, but I’ve not been looking. Last time I checked, he was keeping away from puppy topics anyway.


            • Oh he did a snide gloat thing about the fuss around the Worldcon program, aside from that nothing that I’m aware of. Mind you, Larry doesn’t have a side line as a right-wing pundit (unlike Sarah Hoyt who has a regular gig at PJ Media)

              Liked by 1 person

      • Why on Earth should you be afraid of Larry Correia, even if he is a big guy with three dozen guns or so? After all, you’re in Australia (or maybe Aberdeen or even St. Petersburg), while Larry Correia is sitting on his mountain in Utah. What precisely is he going to do, descend from his mountain and hop into the next plane to beat you up?

        Liked by 3 people

        • I guess they think I’d be scared about being beaten up by Larry Correia? True I really wouldn’t want to be beaten up by Larry Correia but I’ve zero reason to think he beats up people who disagrees with him on the internet – they must think Larry C is a terrible person?


          • Or they might think you think Correia is a terrible person, so you may be wrongly afraid of him beating you up. Well, maybe I am overthinking this.

            Liked by 1 person

          • They probably think you’d be afraid of Larry verbally beating you up. Wasn’t he known for fisking people? More “lets you and him fight” prompting.


            • Laura: They probably think you’d be afraid of Larry verbally beating you up. Wasn’t he known for fisking people?

              Well, he’s known for what he calls “fisking”. The problem is that real fisking doesn’t involve strawman arguments, which is chiefly what Correia seems to be able to manage.

              Liked by 3 people

              • JJ,
                True — but his regular audience undoubtedly thinks they’re terribly clever slams.

                It’s funny that they think that Correia is more intimidating than Hoyt….online…where his being a big guy and her being a small woman makes no difference.

                Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s interesting and disheartening to follow all of this. It’s fake news creation on a small scale. Whether the initial reports about Aberdeen were malicious misinterpretation or not, there are uninformed people who hold them to be true, and malicious people who are purposely furthering the lie. Now they’ve added a -burg suffix to St. Peters and then whipped up an imaginary “masking” (I assume she means she thinks you’re using a Russian proxy server). That will now become part of the “Camestros/Meadows” pseudo-conspiracy canon. It’d all just be funny if Freer hadn’t tried to leverage his ridiculous hoax into fucking with Foz Meadows’ personal life.

    Liked by 1 person

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