Review: Deadpool 2

Not a lot to say. Funny in places but not as funny as the first film. Whether the dead-wives theme for both Deadpool and Cable was meant to be a comic deconstruction of the ‘fridging’ trope or just a straight instance of it, I’m not sure but as a joke it didn’t work.

Julian Dennison (the kid from Hunt for the Wilderpeople) puts in a good performance as the young mutant bent on revenge. Zazie Beetz is good as Domino. Josh Brolin provides a handy excuse for fourth wall jokes for Deadpool.

It’s largely funny but at times feels forced.

Having said all that, the in-credits scenes are very funny.

6 responses to “Review: Deadpool 2”

  1. I was really at least hoping for a scene where it turned out Cable’s wife was also named Vanessa so it could have its own Martha moment. The writers though claim to have never heard about this trope before based on an interview they did with Vulture. Still had fun and it’s great to see Ryan Reynold’s years of trying to make it happen pay off.

    I also think that Deadpool showed you could have more fun and be R rated with these kind of movies and since then there have been comic books movies that have been more comedic and/or graphic so it’s no longer as unique.


    • I find it hard to believe they hadn’t heard of the trope AND used it for two characters AND subverted it (not wholly effectively) AND in a movie with Green Lantern jokes (OK because of Reynolds’s bad film rather than the trope but still).

      I don’t think it was the worst instance of the trope (Vanessa was a developed character, was not just a shallow motivation, the revenge plot was immediate rather than the whole film etc).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Perhaps you should have gone to see Solo after all?
    I thought they were both decent but not great, perhaps because they were neither of them necessary but the slow AI of the Disney machine made them inevitable…


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