Sunday Beer: Automated Beer (and other drinks)

So I was actually out and about in the city the other night which is very rare for me. Made it all the way to the increasingly gentrified but still a bit bohemian Newtown area of Sydney.

Now, like I said, I’m not much of a night owl so there may well be trends in bars that have passed me by but this was new to me. In this bar you serve yourself the drinks.

You pick up a glass, go to the tap of the booze you want and fill your glass. The catch is that you have to have an electronic card which you preload with cash. You put it on the black rectangle and the cost of your drink is metered like you are a petrol pump.

I guess there must be a few more rules to comply with Australian Responsible Service of Alcohol rules but I was told I had to be sociable and not obsesses over what is either capitalism gone mad or the first step on the road to fully automated space communism. Hell, even Star Trek had bartenders.

17 responses to “Sunday Beer: Automated Beer (and other drinks)”

  1. I’ve been to priority lounges on airports a few times, and they had similar setups – only without payment. But that’s a somewhat different crowd than your typical pub.

    I think pubs doing this in Norway would run afoul of “don’t serve people who’ve already had enough”-regulations pretty quickly.


    • We didn’t stay at this bar long enough for me to work out how they handle that. You have to top up the payment card, so I assume there is a limit to how much you can put on the card. If you go back to add more and you were visibly iniberiated then I assume they would refuse to top up your card.


  2. Well, we have “pull the goods down from the shelf yourself” in supermarkets, and now “run your own checkout” as well; I suppose it’s not surprising that other service industries are busy trying to figure out how to do without one of the most expensive and difficult to deal with parts of the business (namely, the staff). I suppose this would be good if you knew what you wanted to drink, and it was reasonably commonplace. Presumably if you’re the skipper, you get your choice of commercial tap mix (provided you like cola, lemonade, or orange fizz).

    Next stop: coffee shops where you’re your own barista (at which point the question becomes “why did I go out for this?)

    Liked by 3 people

  3. When I was in high school (1970’s), my home town had a drive through liquor store. Actually 2.

    That’s just almost a good idea.

    Most I’ve ever thrown up in my life was when I drank a gallon of beer that the dispensed from a tap into a plastic milk jug. That concert is a blur.


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