Susan’s Salon 26-27 May 2024

Susan’s Salon [Susan's Salon],
is the place to chat [is the place to chat],
Be nice to us all [nice to us all],
for the host isn't a cat [she isn't a cat],
Discuss any topic [discuss any topic],
from joyful to downcast [get down cats],
But if you snipe at the others [oooooohhhh],
you shall be out cast!

Even more adapted from a poem by Andrewnotwerdna

25 responses to “Susan’s Salon 26-27 May 2024”

  1. You ought to contact John Scalzi to write some music for that…. 😉

    I saw Furiosa on an IMAX screen yesterday. It’s no Mad Max: Fury Road, but it’s a good enough movie, and Chris Hemsworth was having a lot of fun chewing and spitting out scenery.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Watched Fallout’s first episode. Loved the oddball 1950s stuff, couldn’t get into the rest of it. May try E2 eventually. Also caught the 1973 Jesus Christ Superstar (fun, though the contemporary tops on Herod’s guards make them look like the village people) and Spiders (early Fritz Lang, a dry run for better films like Spies and Dr. Mabuse). Off to see Best Years of Our Lives this afternoon.

    Got a good review on my novel Questionable Minds. Wheeee.

    Dogs are in good shape.

    Cicadas are quieter this week. I think the mating action may have shifted by a few hundred yards.

    Kristen Kobes du Mez has a thoughtful piece about what to do in the worst-case scenario where Trump wins (written from a Christian perspective)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. So my uncle (the older brother of my father died). During the pandemic his dementia became undeniable. His death was sudden and altogether expected. My cousins, sibling and me kept a bit apart from my older relatives during these years, for fear of infecting them, with the hope maybe have a little more time together but how often do such plans work out?

    There was a rift in my family after the divorce of my parents. I’m glad that this rift didn’t persist, that we discovered that we liked each other and that we had this last decade together. I’m going to miss him.

    Most of my other elder relatives are around the same age. In life there’s either cake or death and the next few years ain’t gonna be cake years.

    Liked by 2 people

    • My condolences for your loss. I’m glad your family rift had healed as well.

      I went through a probably similar-ish set of family gatherings around grandparent and great-aunt & uncle funerals around 15-20 years ago, and am really not looking forward to the next set… but can see that coming, alas. At least there have been many cake & candle parties in between, both for the elders and for the various babies born in between.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m enjoying the Leverage series of about fifteen ago in which a group of thieves, grifters and other dry less than honest individuals pulling elaborate cons targeted against the greedy and the corrupt. Former insurance investigator Nate Ford decided to do this when his former employer refused to pay for treatment that would have saved his son’s life.

    I’m listening to Elizabeth Peters’ Crocodile on the Sandbank, an Egypt set archaeological mystery. It’s not challenging, just pleasant to listen to.


      • So are all of all them in that series? I see it got renewed.

        I think it’s going to be swordfish with a citrus garlic spice blend on it, and some of the spanakopita I picked up from Market Basket on Friday.


        • All but Nate. The first episode (all I’ve caught so far) has them taking down one of the Sacklers (with the serial numbers filed off) who gave us the opioid epidemic).


          • I actually like the second series better, although I liked both a great deal. “Redemption” differs from the original series in that there is no “mastermind” – no one person replaces Nate. In the original series Nate formulates the initial plan, puts the team in place, and when it goes awry (which it always does) he is usually the one who comes up with Plan B. Other characters do occasionally convince him that he has made a mistake and he changes his plan in response, so he does treat his team with respect, but he is the prime mover. In Redemption the team operates much more as an ensemble, with different team members taking the lead in each episode. I got much more of a feeling that the team was working together to formulate the plan.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Binge watch of the week was season 2 of Tokyo Vice which was hugely enjoyable, despite the cliched ending (any scene involving principal characters shaking their heads and chuckling after surviving a killing spree should just be binned, immediately and without question!)

    I also enjoyed Aliya Whiteley’s collection, Drive or Be Driven: Stories of Travel, out with NewCon Press – a nice spread of well-written weirdness.

    And my little essay on science fiction, quantum physics & the modernists appeared on the BSFA’s Vector website:

    Liked by 3 people

    • it’s a cool and wet May Bank Holiday here so we just watched Atlas with Jo Lo channelling Sigourney in a pretty silly Aliens/Terminator mash up. Now for tea and home made flapjacks!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Congrats on the article!

      Re: cheesy endings with a group shot of the leads laughin’ it up after coming this close! to being annihilated. I watched a making-of extra on our DVD of The Day After Tomorrow (out of sheer disbelief at the many improbable events depicted). One of the producers called it a “mop-up moment.” There’s another such moment in Tango & Cash where the three leads are walking away from the conflagration (okay) with their arms over each others’ shoulders, all “That was great! We should do this again some time!”

      And maybe that’s the point? Everyone concerned can now throw themselves into Big, Loud & Stupid, the nth without a worry in the world!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Nothing new here. Except it suddenly got cool, overcast and damp on Friday, which meant EGG and I sat on the couch with a blanket.

    EGG has finally gotten to the point of getting to all his treats as long as they fall in front of him where he can see them. Once this week he caught one after it bounced off his face, which is a first.

    Has anyone heard from Greg? Are they all on vacation and I forgot? I hope. Can’t imagine how mobile Walter is by now.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Almost done with Some desperate glory. Really, really like it.

    I saw an otter while kayaking on Sunday. Twice, even, at different places and an hour apart, but probably the same individual both times . I first thought it was a mink, which is an invasive species and something I don’t want to see, but the size and shape didn’t quite fit, and I only realized later that it was actually an otter. That was nice – it’s the first time I’ve seen one, and suggests that it’s an individual that have settled in that area.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Mixed bag here. Been sick and have problem with changing medicines. And then one of the cats disappeared without a trace a few days ago. And my moped truck broke down right before the festival I was going to take it to.

    On the other hand, I’m soon done with building my camper pod for the truck bed. 5′ * 6′ compartment, fully insulated with fans, roof hatch, fridge, wash basin and solar panels. Sleeps one short person comfortable, two at most.


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