Red Panda’s Dragon Eligibility Sheet

According to wikipedia the red panda is also known as the red bear-cat and also the red cat-bear. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Red Panda Faction has developed a Google Docs spreadsheet for works with Dragon Awards eligibility. Part bear, part cat, part panda-racoon hybrid, who better to unravel the taxonomic intricacies of Dragon Award categories!

It’s here

Modelled on the Hugo sheet set up by Lady Business, the sheet has multiple tabs for each Dragon Award category as well as publications date so you can check eligibility.

The sheet is open to public contributions and should be a useful guide for anybody who wants to check if a work they want to nominate was eligible.

Anybody can nominate in the Dragon Awards:

The deadline for nominations is July 20, so now would be a good time to nominate something if you feel like it.


8 responses to “Red Panda’s Dragon Eligibility Sheet”

    • LOL. In case you weren’t aware, that’s how Google shows anonymous users; people aren’t picking those names for their Google logins. Well, I guess it’s possible people make Google accounts with Google’s default “Anonymous + animal name” style (that would be amusing), but I doubt it. 😉

      Good luck with this effort!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love the illustration. Majestic and cute.

    By the way, the epic “McEdifice Returns” by Timothy TT Cat and Straw Puppy is also eligible for this year’s Dragon Awards.

    It’s indie-published space opera; isn’t that what the awards were set up to get more recognition for?

    I tried to put it in the spreadsheet but it wouldn’t let me. I think it’s MilSF, there are certainly lots of military bits in.

    Someone who understands spreadsheets could add it; the compilation was published Dec. ’17.

    Liked by 2 people

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