Bookshop Scene in the Wild

I took this photo of the SF shelves of an airport (domestic) bookshop in Australia. No real message here – just fun to see which titles they picked to put in those two sets of shelves. Not sure why Stephen King’s “It” is there – except I guess Pennywise is an alien monster. It was also shelved in the horror section.

Hard to spot but Ada Palmer’s ‘Too Like the Lightning’ is there, which is nice considering that earlier in the year you couldn’t get it in Australia.

Things I didn’t know:

  • Stephen Fry has written a retelling of the Greek Myths
  • Stephen Donaldson has a new fantasy series
  • Book covers with white backgrounds seem to becoming a more common design


20 responses to “Bookshop Scene in the Wild”

  1. I think Brandon Sanderson is to blame for those white backgrounds (do his covers have those outside the UK?) They make his “section” really visible because it’s unusual.

    I spot Dogs of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky using that very trick – and it’s a good book to boot.


    • Australian covers are usually UK covers – so I’ve seen those Sanderson covers (v.effective I think)

      That blood-red on white colour scheme for Dogs of War really stands out, doesn’t it?


    • The US Tor editions of Brandon Sanderson’s books have 1980s type fantasy art, Michael Whelan, I think. I’ve also spotted Chris McGrath art on a Sanderson cover.


  2. Hey, some of those are on my wish list! 🙂 That’s great for an airport.

    “Stephen Donaldson has a new fantasy series”

    Yes, it’s on my wish list. 😉


  3. Your phone sure does take clear pictures, CF. I had a book swoon today too — built a new bookcase to hold the 34-vol set I stumbled across at a farmer’s market food bank fundraiser. Then I got to spend time rearranging the various contents of the shelves and fawning over my awesome collection. That’s a good day! Or rather a “g’day” where you are 🙂


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