Review: This Census Taker – Hugo2017 Novella

I like puzzles and I like puzzles that I can’t solve but which have a nice structure to them. I even like unsolvable puzzles, which I guess are technically not puzzles at all but things that feel like they have solutions. The aesthetic of puzzles is that they should combine both a sense of curiosity about some hidden mechanic but also have some other aesthetic element: elegance, symmetry or visual elegance.

China Miéville’s novella This Census Taker is not a roman à clef although it does feature keys but it has the aesthetics of an unsolvable puzzle. The story points at things as if they are clues but those elements (the deep hole into which things are thrown, the father’s affectless violence, the boy/narrator’s inconsistent recollections) don’t ever come together as a finished puzzle. The novella is like a painting of an unfinished jigsaw puzzle – the edges artfully done but with the looming chasm of the centre incomplete.

It is, the Gene Wolfe novel I’ve been waiting for I guess – the one where Wolfe takes his odd narrators (in this case an agent of a mysterious census who must complete a ‘second book’ distinct from his first book of figures), his obsession with dangerous & inscrutable father figures (in this case the violent, probably murderous key cutter) and settings that have detail but yet remain indistinct like dreams but leads them off in a new direction.

Like Wolfe’s work this novella is disatisfying. It leaves questions unanswered to the extent that critiquing it is difficult. The opening of the story has the protagonist as a child escaping from his hillside home to the town below in horror at having witnessed his mother kill his father. Yet the story changes immediately, somebody, not his mother, killed his father or rather…his father killed his mother. That later the father is still alive and the mother is gone is the only solid confirmation of which event happened but the story is suffused with this air of incipient violence. Is that violence gratutitous? It is never described except in terms of the father’s violence toward animals but the horror of it never goes away. Yet, the story’s avoidance of resolution means we are given no insights into this violence.

The father is, apparently, a killer but why he kills is as mysetrious as his work. He cuts keys, with an electric saw – but in a world that otherwise feels nineteenth century (I note Rocket Stack Rank call the story ‘post-apocalyptic’ ). In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it paragraph we are told the keys have magical powers, so we at least get some sense of why a key-cutter lives in almost isolation but it isn’t a satisfying explanation.

The prose is excellent and that adds to the sense that Miéville knows what he is doing and that he is fully in control of this story. So I didn’t finish it thinking ‘that was an incoherent mess’ but if you locked me in a room and forced me to right a ‘second book’ about the differences between this story and an incoherent mess, I’d be hard pressed to identify the clear distinction.

I enjoyed it – that’s the best I can say about it. I think it is a very subtle horror story, possibly just the right level of horror for me (I’m not keen on horror) in that it captures the stress and concern of a disturbing dream. I think it is an easy story not to like and I’m not really sure I appreciate or ‘get’ it. I don’t think I’d recommend it to anyone other than as a demonstration of just how well the author can join words together.

If it had less craft it could go below No Award. If I felt I had a better handle on the story, it could go as number 1 on my ballot. As is? I’ve no idea. It was a story. I read it. We should check to see if Gene Wolfe has gone missing and is locked in Miéville’s attic.


21 responses to “Review: This Census Taker – Hugo2017 Novella”

    • I’m putting it above that sappy romance A Taste of Honey. Gah. That was horrible. If I wanted to read that sort of thing, I’d have picked up a Harlequin.


        • I don’t begrudge anyone their romance literature, regardless of their persuasion. I just don’t want it in the SFF I read. And I won’t vote to give awards to it.

          I can even handle a little of it in my SFF. Elizabeth Bonesteel’s The Cold Between got on with telling a story pretty quickly after the initial sex scene. Jennifer Foehner Wells’ Fluency had a torrid scene about 2/3 in that I was able to just skip (and IIRC there wasn’t any of it in Remanence). Rachel Bach’s Paradox series had rather more of it than I preferred, but again, skip, skip, skip. The rest of those stories were actual adventures, and didn’t involve the main character mooning on endlessly about their love’s hair, skin, voice, how awful it was when they were apart, etc etc etc.

          My problem with A Taste of Honey was that it wasn’t a fantasy story with some romance in it, it was a romance story with some fantasy in it. If I skipped all the sappy romantic shit, there wasn’t much story left to read. 😐


      • I guess I’m one of the few people who actually liked “A Taste of Honey” (or maybe not, since it got a Hugo nomination after all). Not my top pick – the ending drags it down – but well above last place, too.

        Regaring “This Census-Taker”, I put it above No Award, but dead last.


      • Kai Wilson is congenitally unable to stick the landing of any story. At least the ones I’ve read. He needs to write about 85% of a story and then give it to someone else to finish. It’s a fatal fault for a writer.


  1. You’ve captured my feelings about this story perfectly. I didn’t hate it, the writing is wonderful — but I couldn’t love it, either. I love SFF mysteries, but I needed a little more of a resolution than this provided in order to feel satisfied.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There are some acronyms you can look for in TCT. They don’t really answer a lot of questions — it’s all still as mysterious as hell — but you said you like puzzles, so I thought I’d mention it.


  3. There are so few stories with a gay romance in them that it was painful voting “A Taste of Honey” under No Award, but that’s clearly where it belonged. Ditto “This Census Taker,” but without the angst.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like romance. I like gay romance. I even like OTT swoony gay romance. But I also like decent writing. Being PC isn’t enough to get me to like a story.

      Being a straight woman, I was able to put “Honey” under NA without any angst, just some disgruntlement that a good gay romance couldn’t have been in there instead.


  4. “We should check to see if Gene Wolfe has gone missing and is locked in Miéville’s attic.”

    Though if we start getting notes from Wolfe saying so, we’ll have to figure out what he’s *really* trying to tell us.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I thought it was an exercise in brinksmanship by Mieville – how much of the plot could he remove or elide and still leave it just-about-understandable. It was a very interesting experiment, I just wish he’d experimented on someone else.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. In general I find China Miéville’s stuff runs from impenetrable to boring. For example, “Embassytown” I kept feeling that there was interesting stuff going on in his world, just not in the novel.

    More on point, in this story I just didn’t see a point.

    Liked by 2 people

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