Demons and witches and the left

A follow up from the earlier post on John C Wright’s belief that the left (in general) is essentially a religion of witchcraft. I failed to include a link so here

And again, recently, many throngs of lunatics in a ghastly display of vulgarity, completely with nudity, swearing, and other degradations, wearing images of women’s genitalia on their heads. The gathering was called a protest, but no protester could articulate for what cause they gathered. It was yet again called a political movement, albeit, again, no law nor policy nor any specific political act was demanded to be done or undone. What was it for?

They are rituals, ceremonial, magical. They are sacraments, symbols intended to create the result they symbolize.

In the comments to my post, Doris V Sutherland pointed to some statements made by Wright’s fellow Dragon Award winner, Brian Neimmeier. I’ll link to one of his posts that goes into some detail:

Extraordinary demonic activity may occur in various ways. Some refer to these phenomena as “stages”, but they’re more properly called “areas”, since they don’t necessarily follow an orderly progression.

The areas of extraordinary demonic activity are:

External physical attacks: pain and/or harm inflicted by a demon.

Oppression: various external torments that often masquerade as extreme bad luck.

Obsession: uncontrollable, irrational thoughts induced by demonic activity.

Infestation: refers to demonic attachment to a place, an object, or even an animal.

Possession: one or more demons takes control of a person’s body (not the soul).

Subjugation: voluntary submission to demonic influence.

Brian then goes on to ask whether SJW’s show signs of demonic possession and concludes that most don’t show the signs but do show the signs of ‘demonic obsession’. He later concludes:

Since the current social crisis more likely involves external demonic obsession than internal possession, mass exorcisms aren’t required to address the problem. Just as physicians can mediate divine healing through their skill, ordinary people can mediate deliverance from evil through prayer and fasting on behalf of our afflicted brethren.

Phew! I for one, strongly encourage those concerned about SJWs to wholeheartedly put their efforts into prayer and (reasonable) fasting. Also, check under your bed for talking cats. Oh and maybe check your calendar to see if it is the sixteenth century still.

Oh, and one last sppoooookkkky thought – remember how the right keep projecting their own faults onto others? And now they think people are controlled by demonic forces? Sleep tight.

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15 responses to “Demons and witches and the left”

  1. Two thoughts, among many…

    First, a new competition. Who can write the best story with the opening line: “And again, recently, many throngs of lunatics in a ghastly display of vulgarity, completely with nudity, swearing, and other degradations, wearing images of women’s genitalia on their heads. The gathering was called a protest, but no protester could articulate for what cause they gathered. It was yet again called a political movement, albeit, again, no law nor policy nor any specific political act was demanded to be done or undone. What was it for?”

    Second, it appears that JCW finds pussycat ears and women’s genitalia to be indistinguishable. This is a sad way.

    Liked by 2 people

    • JCW: The gathering was called a protest, but no protester could articulate for what cause they gathered.

      Well, yes, I guess if you didn’t talk to any of the millions of women involved, and if you didn’t read any of the articles they wrote, or in which they were interviewed, then you wouldn’t have any idea what they were protesting. But that would require a pretty concerted effort at remaining ignorant — which is clearly one of JCW’s specialties.

      Also, how does one get to be a middle-aged man who has children without knowing what female genitalia looks like? and thus being unable to recognize that pussy hats aren’t intended to resemble female genitalia???

      Yegods, that man is incredibly ignorant.


    • To be fair, if you do an image an image search for “women’s march pussy hats”, you’ll see some clearly vagina-based items of headgear. I’m looking at one photo in particular which was shared on multiple right-wing sites (with headlines like ‘Trannies Now Angry with “Women’s March”)’ and I wouldnt be surprised if that’s what he has in mind.


      • Doris V. Sutherland: To be fair, if you do an image an image search for “women’s march pussy hats”, you’ll see some clearly vagina-based items of headgear… I wouldnt be surprised if that’s what he has in mind.

        Nah, not buying it. First of all, because the vagina is an internal piece of anatomy, and the costumes you mention are of labia, not of vaginas. Secondly, while labia are indeed female genitalia, the number of those costumes was so minute as to be statistically nonexistent, and JCW is clearly referring to the millions of women who marched — 99.9999999% of whom were wearing pink hats with ears.

        He’s just a seriously-whacked dude trying to make spurious claims of witchcraft, because Jesus tells us in The Bible that we should make up excuses to demonize and excoriate our fellow human beings.

        Oh, wait. Jesus never did that. JCW is just a failed Christian. 🙄


    • Second, it appears that JCW finds pussycat ears and women’s genitalia to be indistinguishable. This is a sad way.

      I’d hate to be doing the laundry at his place…


  2. Oddly enough, and by complete coincidence, I was in the middle of one of Phil Rickman’s stories about Merrily Watkins, a priest in the Church of England, charged with doing her best to help the victims of physical and spiritual skullduggery, with not always helpful assistance from those in the hierarchy who worry that this may not be the right road to putting more bums on pews, not to mention those who’d rather the physical skullduggery remained hidden.

    Wright is, of course, completely ignorant of this, but then he’s completely ignorant about just about everything, so no surprises there. There is a vast amount of scholarship on the witch crazes; so much that no one person could read it all in a lifetime. Wright has clearly read none of it, otherwise he would not make such fatuous claims.

    Incidentally, do you ever offer guest posts on your blog – apart from to Timothy of course? I feel the perspective of someone accustomed to be lied to throughout her career may shed some light on this particular liar, Donald Trump…


  3. Oh dear, JCW has really become a parody of himself by now. As for the Dragon Award winning horror author, I’m not sure if he ever was anything else.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I was hoping that the areas of demon activity would be a fun acronym to make it easier to remember, but it’s just EOOIPS 😦

    Although if we re-arrange them we do get SOOPIE. Since they don’t happen in any particular order, I’m going to stand by this acronym and accuse everyone I disagree with of being soupy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This…this is some next level stupid. Like, this is the sort of thing I’d introduce into a Call of Cthulu roleplaying game. “You listen to John C Wright’s words. You brain’s feeble attempts to comprehend them cause you to lose 5 points of sanity.”

    Liked by 1 person

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