My Reply To Trump Campaign

Re: Tired of this
Camestros Felapton
Thank you for your email.
It was very nice of you to write to me. How has your day been? Mine has been OK I guess.
It isn’t very often I get emails from Presidential Campaigns – in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever had one. So this one is rather special.
I showed my cat. He was very impressed but a bit jealous.
Could you maybe get your boss to send an email saying: “Timothy You Are The Best!”. He would really appreciate that and it might relieve some of the tension around the house.
Fingers crossed!

6 responses to “My Reply To Trump Campaign”

  1. You should offer to donate Timothy’s services, gratis.

    (Actually, an imaginary animal could hardly do a worse job…)


  2. Years ago my husband entered our late tabby as, I think, an early Netfix user?
    Or maybe answered a survey.
    I think that was the one thing though.
    We still get mail for him, and even the occasional credit card offer.
    I would, btw, thoroughly discourage you from getting Timothy his own credit card.


    • It’s fine, it’s not like you can order flamethrowers from Amazon or anything.
      Umm, on second thoughts…


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